Higher Education


Since taking office, Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis has championed California’s students, advocating for accessible, affordable, and quality higher education for all. She is the only person to serve on the governing boards of the University of California, the California State University, and the California Community Colleges.  She also serves on the Calbright College Board of Trustees.  Collectively, California’s systems of public higher education serve over 2.8 million students.

In January 2025, Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis will begin her term as Chair of the board for the Designation of California Black Serving Institution program. The board is tasked with identifying California universities that excel in serving and providing academic resources for their Black students, a historically underrepresented population in higher education.


Since taking office, Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis has been a steadfast advocate against tuition and fee increases that would further burden California families. She has supported legislative efforts aimed at keeping college costs low and backed measures to reduce financial barriers to higher education, making college more accessible to students from diverse economic backgrounds.

Student Housing

The Lieutenant Governor has championed efforts to increase affordable student housing across California’s public universities. Working closely with the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems, her leadership has been instrumental in approving nearly 50,000 new beds across UC and CSU campuses to support students’ educational success and reduce housing insecurity. This commitment addresses the growing demand for affordable housing, ensuring that more students have a stable place to live while pursuing their education.

“We need more affordable housing in California. Over the past four years, I have visited almost 30 universities and have met with countless students who shared experiences of housing insecurity. I’m deeply proud of our state’s historic commitment to supporting the total cost of college attendance for students and ensuring every Californian has a shot at achieving the California dream.”
Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis

Expanding Access

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis has championed initiatives to increase enrollment opportunities for Californians and those from underserved communities at the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems. She has led efforts to ensure that students can earn their degrees faster, that vulnerable students have the support they need to complete their degrees, and that students can pursue their education with fewer financial barriers.

Higher education

Return of Native American Remains

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis has called attention to the need to address historical injustices and the long overdue repatriation of Native American remains and cultural items at California universities. Her work aligns with broader initiatives to respect and honor the cultural heritage of Indigenous communities, reflecting a commitment to addressing historical wrongs.

All News

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis’s Statement on California State University Vote to Increase Tuition

Sacramento –Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis issued the following statement on the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees’ vote yesterday to increase tuition for CSU students:  

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Releases Statement About the UC Proposed Tuition Increase

SACRAMENTO – Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis issued the following statement today regarding the proposed tuition increase before the University of California Regents:

Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis’s Statement on National Transfer Week and Efforts to Improve Transfer Pathways in California Higher Education

SACRAMENTO – Last week, California recognized National Student Transfer Week, an annual event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the unique experiences, achievements, and challenges faced by transfer students. California has recently enacted historic reforms to improve transfer pathways from California Community Colleges (CCC) to four-year institutions.   

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Statement on Governor Signing College Affordability and Accessibility Legislation

Los Angeles, CA – Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis released the following statement today in response to Governor Newsom’s Higher Education package bill signing and the California Comeback Plan’s historic $47.1 billion investment in higher education:

New Legislation Removes Barriers to Success for California Community College Students

MOORPARK– Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) held a press conference this morning at Moorpark Community College to highlight the passage of AB 1705 and AB 1187, as well as $64 Million secured in the 2022-2023 State Budget for the California Community College Equitable Placement and Completion Grant Program.

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis and Assemblymember Medina Advocate for Housing Measures in Budget

SACRAMENTO Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside), the Chair of the Assembly Committee on Higher Education, issued the following statements following the passage of the 2022-2023 State Budget and their successful collaboration on student housing policy:

Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Calls on CSU Board of Trustees to Discuss Audit Findings on Repatriation of Native American Remains

SACRAMENTO – In honor of Indigenous People’s Day, Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis delivered a letter to the Chair of the California State University (CSU) Board of Trustees calling for the findings from a recent California State Auditor’s report to be presented as an informational agenda item at the CSU Board of Trustees November meeting.