Lieutenant Governor Delivers Remarks for SFSU Commencement
Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Delivers Remarks for SFSU Commencement SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED MAY 27, 2022 Graduates of the class of 2022 – Congratulations! Your hard work, persistence, and...
Lieutenant Governor Delivers Remarks at the Sacramento Host Breakfast
Lieutenant Governor Delivers Remarks at the Sacramento Host Breakfast SACRAMENTO HOST BREAKFAST SACRAMENTO CONVENTION CENTER, SACRAMENTO, CA REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED JUNE 2, 2022 Good morning, everyone. It is an honor to be with all of you...
Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Delivers Introductory Remarks at 2022 State of the State Address
STATE OF THE STATE CALIFORNIA NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY BUILDING, SACRAMENTO, CA REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED MARCH 5, 2022 Thank you, Madam President Pro Tem and Mr. Speaker. It’s my great honor to offer a few introductory remarks before Governor...
Lieutenant Governor Delivers Remarks for International Holocaust Remembrance Day
REMARKS FOR INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED JANUARY 27, 2022 Thank you, Mr. Shartsis for your kind introduction. Consul General Kofman, Consul General Jung, Consul General Schramm, and all the members of the...
Lieutenant Governor Kounalakis Delivers Introductory Remarks at 2021 State of the State Address
INTRODUCTION TO STATE OF THE STATE REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED MARCH 9, 2021 Thank you, Madam President pro Tem and Speaker Rendon, and good evening to all our fellow Californians. This year, as we know, has been one of unprecedented and...
Lt. Governor Provides Remarks to the Hoover Institution
HOOVER INSTITUTION: “EXODUS OF FIRMS FROM CALIFORNIA, REALITY, REASONS AND SOLUTIONS” REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED FEBRUARY 24, 2021 Thank you, Professor Taylor and the Hoover Institution for inviting me to be here with you today. Full...
CalChamber Virtual Reception For California’s Consular Corps
CALCHAMBER VIRTUAL RECEPTION FOR CALIFORNIA'S CONSULAR CORPS REMARKS BY LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS DELIVERED DECEMBER 15, 2020 Thank you, Allan, and thank you all for being with us this afternoon. Every year, the Consular Corps gathers in Sacramento for the Host...
Lt. Governor Kounalakis Opens the State Senate’s 2021-22 Regular Session
SENATE SESSION: CONVENING 2021-22 REGULAR SESSION STATE CAPITOL, SACRAMENTO, CA REMARKS FROM LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED DECEMBER 7, 2020 Good afternoon. Welcome to the convening of the 2021-22 session of the Senate of the State of California....
Lt. Governor Kounalakis at Mare Island Naval Cemetery on Veteran’s Day
MARE ISLAND NAVAL CEMETERY REMARKS FROM LT. GOVERNOR ELENI KOUNALAKIS AS PREPARED November 11, 2020 Mayor Sampayan, Deputy Secretary Murillo-Rodriguez, Major General Baker, Major General Coggan, Rear Admiral Cropper, Colonel Kirchner, Colonel Aliga, members of the...